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Event Reminder

This recipe schedules a booking reminder to be sent 30 minutes before show-time.

First, you define your Queue:

import { Queue } from "quirrel/next";

export default Queue("api/booking-reminder", async (bookingId) => {
const booking = await findBooking(bookingId);

await sendSms({
to: booking.user.phoneNumber,
body: `Put on your dancing shoes for ${booking.event.title} 🕺`,

Import the above file somewhere else and call .enqueue to schedule a the reminder:

import bookingReminder from "api/booking-reminder"
import { subMinutes } from "date-fns"

async function createBooking(...) {
const booking = await createBooking(...);

await bookingReminder.enqueue(,
runAt: subMinutes(, 30),

// allows us to address this job later for deletion

That's all we need! Your customers will now be reminded 30 minutes before their booking begins.

If a booking is canceled, we can also delete the reminder job:

import bookingReminder from "api/booking-reminder"

async function cancelBooking(...) {
await bookingReminder.delete(
bookingId // this is the same ID we set above

If your SMS provider is flaky, specify a retry schedule:

export default Queue(
// if execution fails, it will be retried
// 10s, 1min and 2mins after the scheduled date
retry: [ "10s", "1min", "2min" ]